pregnancy, acute renal failure, COVID-19, preeclampsia
Pregnancy-related acute kidney injury, a pathology that develops secondary to obstetric complications, is associated with an increased risk of maternal mortality, especially in the post-partum period. The most common causes of acute renal failure include preeclampsia, puerperal sepsis, antepartum or postpartum hemorrhage, placental abruption or intrauterine fetal death. At the same time, COVID-19-induced nephropathy, translated into acute renal failure, further leads to increased maternal and fetal mortality, causing a higher incidence of stillbirths, low fetal weight and premature birth.
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[2]A. Acharya "Management of acute kidney injury in pregnancy for the obstetrician"Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics. 43(4), 747-765; 2016.
[3]J. Szczepanski, A. Griffin, S. Novotny, K. Wallace "Acute kidney injury in pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome" Frontiers in medicine. 7, 22; 2020.
[4]ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 202: "Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia" Obstet Gynecol. 133: e1–25; 2019
[5] J. Prakash, V.C. Ganiger "Acute kidney injury in pregnancy-specific disorders" Indian journal of nephrology. 27(4): 258; 2017.
[6] D. Liu, W. He, Y. Li, M. Xiong, L. Wang, J. Huang, et al. "Epidemiology of acute kidney injury in hospitalized pregnant women in China" BMC Nephrol. 20:67; 2019.
[7]Q. Gao, X. Qu, X. Chen, J. Zhang, F. Liu, S.Tian et al. "Outcomes and risk factors of patients with acute fatty liver of pregnancy: a multicentre retrospective study" Singapore Med J. 59:425–30;2018.
[8]A.M. Van der Graaf, T.J. Toering, M.M. Faas, A. Titia Lely "From preeclampsia to renal disease: a role of angiogenic factors and the renin–angiotensin aldosterone system?" Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 27(suppl_3), 51-57; 2012.
[9]Y. Liu, X. Ma, J. Zheng, X. Liu, T. Yan "Pregnancy outcomes in patients with acute kidney injury during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis" BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 17:235; 2017.
[10]M. Mubarak, N. Nasri "COVID-19 nephropathy; an emerging condition caused by novel coronavirus infection" J. Nephropathol. 9(3):e21;2020.
[11]R. Tolouian, S. Z. Vahed, S. Ghiyasvand, A. Tolouian, M. Ardalan "COVID-19 interactions with angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and the kinin system; looking at a potential treatment" Journal of Renal Injury Prevention, 9(2), e19-e19;2020.
[12]A.Taghizadieh, H. Mikaeili, M. Ahmadi, H. Valizadeh "Acute kidney injury in pregnant women following SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case report from Iran" Respir Med Case Rep. 30, 101090; 2020.
[13]N.K. Krane, M. Hamrahian "Pregnancy: Kidney diseases and hypertension" Am J Kidney Dis. 49:336–45; 2007.
[14]A.Acharya "Management of acute kidney injury in pregnancy for the obstetrician" Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics, 43(4), 747-765;2016.
[15]S. Ngwenya "Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia: incidence, complications, and perinatal outcomes at a low-resource setting, Mpilo Central Hospital, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe" Int J Womens Health 17(9),353-357;2017.
[16]C. V. Ananth et al. "Serious maternal complications in relation to severe pre‐eclampsia: a retrospective cohort study of the impact of hospital volume" BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 124(8),1246-1253;2017.
[17]A. Vabret, J. Dina, E. Brison, J. Brouard, F. Freymuth "Coronavirus humains (HCoV) Human coronaviruses" Pathol. Biol 57(2),149-160;2009.
[18]Y. Bai, L. Yao, T. Wei, F. Tian, D.Y. Jin, L. Chen, M. Wang "Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19" JAMA 323(14),1406-1407;2020.
[19]A. Gulati, C. Pomeranz, Z. Qamar, S. Thomas, D. Frisch, G. George, R. Summer, J. DeSimone, B. Sundaram "A comprehensive review of manifestations of novel coronaviruses in the context of deadly COVID-19 global pandemic" Am J Med Sci. 360(1),5-34;2020.
[20]N. Chen, M. Zhou, X. Dong, J. Qu, F. Gong, Y. Han, Y. Qiu, J. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Wei, J. Xia, T. Yu, X. Zhang, L.Zhang "Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study" Lancet 395(10223),507-513;2020.
[21] F. Zhou, T. Yu, R. Du, G. Fan, Y. Liu, Z. Liu, J. Xiang, Y. Wang, B. Song, X. Gu, L. Guan, Y. Wei, H. Li, X. Wu, J. Xu, S. Tu, Y. Zhang, H. Chen, B. Cao "Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study" Lancet 395(10229),1054-1062;2020.
[22]Z. Li, M. Wu, J. Yao, J. Guo, X. Liao, S. Song, J. Li, G. Duan, Y. Zhou, X. Wu, Z. Zhou, T. Wang, M. Hu, X. Chen, Y. Fu, C. Lei, H. Dong, C. Xu, Y. Hu, M. Han, Y. Zhou, H. Jia, X. Chen, J. Yan "Caution on kidney dysfunctions of COVID-19 patients" Europe PMC;2020.
[23]Y. Cheng "Kidney disease is associated with in-hospital death of patients with COVID-19" Kidney international 97(5),829-838;2020.
[24]A.T. Papageorghiou, P. Deruelle, R.B. Gunier, S. Rauch, P.K.García-May et. al "Preeclampsia and COVID-19: results from the INTERCOVID prospective longitudinal study" Am J Obstet Gynecol. 225(3),289-e1-289.e17; 2021.
[25]M. Mendoza, I. Garcia-Ruiz, N. Maiz, C. Rodo, P. Garcia-Manau, B. Serrano, R.M. Lopez-Martinez, J. Balcells, N. Fernandez-Hidalgo, E. Carreras, A. Suy "Pre‐eclampsia‐like syndrome induced by severe COVID‐19: a prospective observational study" BJOG 127(11), 1374-1380;2020.
[26]M. Dap, M. Olivier. "Proteinuria in Covid-19 pregnant women: Preeclampsia or severe infection?" European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 252, 612;2020.
[2]A. Acharya "Management of acute kidney injury in pregnancy for the obstetrician"Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics. 43(4), 747-765; 2016.
[3]J. Szczepanski, A. Griffin, S. Novotny, K. Wallace "Acute kidney injury in pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome" Frontiers in medicine. 7, 22; 2020.
[4]ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 202: "Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia" Obstet Gynecol. 133: e1–25; 2019
[5] J. Prakash, V.C. Ganiger "Acute kidney injury in pregnancy-specific disorders" Indian journal of nephrology. 27(4): 258; 2017.
[6] D. Liu, W. He, Y. Li, M. Xiong, L. Wang, J. Huang, et al. "Epidemiology of acute kidney injury in hospitalized pregnant women in China" BMC Nephrol. 20:67; 2019.
[7]Q. Gao, X. Qu, X. Chen, J. Zhang, F. Liu, S.Tian et al. "Outcomes and risk factors of patients with acute fatty liver of pregnancy: a multicentre retrospective study" Singapore Med J. 59:425–30;2018.
[8]A.M. Van der Graaf, T.J. Toering, M.M. Faas, A. Titia Lely "From preeclampsia to renal disease: a role of angiogenic factors and the renin–angiotensin aldosterone system?" Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 27(suppl_3), 51-57; 2012.
[9]Y. Liu, X. Ma, J. Zheng, X. Liu, T. Yan "Pregnancy outcomes in patients with acute kidney injury during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis" BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 17:235; 2017.
[10]M. Mubarak, N. Nasri "COVID-19 nephropathy; an emerging condition caused by novel coronavirus infection" J. Nephropathol. 9(3):e21;2020.
[11]R. Tolouian, S. Z. Vahed, S. Ghiyasvand, A. Tolouian, M. Ardalan "COVID-19 interactions with angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and the kinin system; looking at a potential treatment" Journal of Renal Injury Prevention, 9(2), e19-e19;2020.
[12]A.Taghizadieh, H. Mikaeili, M. Ahmadi, H. Valizadeh "Acute kidney injury in pregnant women following SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case report from Iran" Respir Med Case Rep. 30, 101090; 2020.
[13]N.K. Krane, M. Hamrahian "Pregnancy: Kidney diseases and hypertension" Am J Kidney Dis. 49:336–45; 2007.
[14]A.Acharya "Management of acute kidney injury in pregnancy for the obstetrician" Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics, 43(4), 747-765;2016.
[15]S. Ngwenya "Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia: incidence, complications, and perinatal outcomes at a low-resource setting, Mpilo Central Hospital, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe" Int J Womens Health 17(9),353-357;2017.
[16]C. V. Ananth et al. "Serious maternal complications in relation to severe pre‐eclampsia: a retrospective cohort study of the impact of hospital volume" BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 124(8),1246-1253;2017.
[17]A. Vabret, J. Dina, E. Brison, J. Brouard, F. Freymuth "Coronavirus humains (HCoV) Human coronaviruses" Pathol. Biol 57(2),149-160;2009.
[18]Y. Bai, L. Yao, T. Wei, F. Tian, D.Y. Jin, L. Chen, M. Wang "Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19" JAMA 323(14),1406-1407;2020.
[19]A. Gulati, C. Pomeranz, Z. Qamar, S. Thomas, D. Frisch, G. George, R. Summer, J. DeSimone, B. Sundaram "A comprehensive review of manifestations of novel coronaviruses in the context of deadly COVID-19 global pandemic" Am J Med Sci. 360(1),5-34;2020.
[20]N. Chen, M. Zhou, X. Dong, J. Qu, F. Gong, Y. Han, Y. Qiu, J. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Wei, J. Xia, T. Yu, X. Zhang, L.Zhang "Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study" Lancet 395(10223),507-513;2020.
[21] F. Zhou, T. Yu, R. Du, G. Fan, Y. Liu, Z. Liu, J. Xiang, Y. Wang, B. Song, X. Gu, L. Guan, Y. Wei, H. Li, X. Wu, J. Xu, S. Tu, Y. Zhang, H. Chen, B. Cao "Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study" Lancet 395(10229),1054-1062;2020.
[22]Z. Li, M. Wu, J. Yao, J. Guo, X. Liao, S. Song, J. Li, G. Duan, Y. Zhou, X. Wu, Z. Zhou, T. Wang, M. Hu, X. Chen, Y. Fu, C. Lei, H. Dong, C. Xu, Y. Hu, M. Han, Y. Zhou, H. Jia, X. Chen, J. Yan "Caution on kidney dysfunctions of COVID-19 patients" Europe PMC;2020.
[23]Y. Cheng "Kidney disease is associated with in-hospital death of patients with COVID-19" Kidney international 97(5),829-838;2020.
[24]A.T. Papageorghiou, P. Deruelle, R.B. Gunier, S. Rauch, P.K.García-May et. al "Preeclampsia and COVID-19: results from the INTERCOVID prospective longitudinal study" Am J Obstet Gynecol. 225(3),289-e1-289.e17; 2021.
[25]M. Mendoza, I. Garcia-Ruiz, N. Maiz, C. Rodo, P. Garcia-Manau, B. Serrano, R.M. Lopez-Martinez, J. Balcells, N. Fernandez-Hidalgo, E. Carreras, A. Suy "Pre‐eclampsia‐like syndrome induced by severe COVID‐19: a prospective observational study" BJOG 127(11), 1374-1380;2020.
[26]M. Dap, M. Olivier. "Proteinuria in Covid-19 pregnant women: Preeclampsia or severe infection?" European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 252, 612;2020.

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