Postoperative incisional hernia remains an important complication of open surgery, with an incidence of about 20% . Emergency treatment of this pathology can be a challenge for the surgeon. Knowing the high relapse rate of the simple suture of the parietal defect, the use of a prosthesis is often necessary. Emergency treatment often involves the presence of an intraoperative septic time, given both by the need for an intestinal resection for a strangulated incisional hernia, as well as by the presence of other septic processes that require emergency interventions, the eventration being an associated pathology, its treatment completing the main intervention. We present a retrospective study carried out in the Surgery Clinic 1 of the Targu Mures Emergency Clinical County Hospital between January 2020 and October 2022, which included all patients with postoperative eventration operated under emergency conditions. Out of the 203 patients operated for postoperative eventration during the period, 64 were in the emergency regime and introduced in the study. The surgical indication was caused by a complication of the post-incisional hernia or by another associated pathology that required surgery. Group 1 (L1= 43)- patients with complicated incisional hernia. Group 2 (L2= 21)- patients with an uncomplicated incisional hernia but with emergency intervention for associated pathology. Mesh was used significantly statistic more frequent at L1(24) . septic intraoperative time were significantly statistic more frequent at L2 (16). Mortality was high in both groups L1(9), L2(4). Cutaneous necrosis was the most frequent local complication (L1-2, L2-1)
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